About EDGI

The Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI) is the largest genetic investigation of eating disorders ever performed.

The New Zealand arm of EDGI aims to identify the genes that predispose people to developing anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder in order to improve treatments and ultimately save lives.

New Zealand aims to recruit more than 2000 people who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, including a control group (people without eating disorders), by March 31, 2026.

This study aims to identify hundreds of genes that influence a person’s risk of developing anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder.

Identification of the genes that predispose individuals to eating disorders will revolutionise future research into causes, treatment, and prevention of the illness.

Volunteers must be:

  • New Zealanders aged 16 years and over
  • Have been diagnosed with or be currently living with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and/or ARFID

How to participate

Participating in the study involves completing an online survey, which should take approximately 40-60 minutes. After completing the survey, you will be asked to donate a saliva sample, so that researchers can extract your DNA. To collect this sample, researchers will send you a collection kit together with a pre-paid return envelope. The kit will allow you to collect the sample in your own home, within a matter of minutes.

Your participation in the Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative is confidential, and all information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence, in accordance with the NZ Privacy Act 1993. Research information will be de-identified before being sent overseas for analysis.

As a thank you for your time, all eligible participants will be sent a $30 gift card.


Contribute to Research on Eating Disorders
Your Insights Matter

If you are interested in being a participant,
please use the link above to learn more about being in the study and to complete the survey.