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Bringing binge eating disorder out of the shadows
Though often in the news, eating disorders are poorly understood. When thinking about eating disorders, people usually think of anorexia nervosa or sometimes bulimia nervosa, but rarely about the most prevalent eating disorder, binge-eating disorder (BED). In fact, many people have BED, but are unaware that they have a common and treatable condition. People affected…
Read MoreAre my ovaries making me eat?
Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder you have never heard of. Studies estimate that 2-3.5% of the population suffer from this disorder, compared to ~1% for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. BED is characterised by an excessive intake of food, without regular purging or other compensatory behaviours (like vomiting, laxative use,…
Read MoreA closer look at the mukbang phenomenon
Mukbang, which translates to ‘eating show’, refers to an online trend in which hosts share video recordings of themselves eating large quantities of food. Videos of this genre originated in South Korea as early as 2010 before being introduced to mainstream American YouTube channels in around 2015. Mukbang has since seen a rapid increase in…
Read MoreK-Pop and Disordered Eating
K-Pop, short for Korean popular music, has a growing international following. Not only does K-Pop have a distinct sound, but it is often packaged with captivating visuals like choreographed dance routines, colourful outfits, and vibrant music videos. K-Pop’s passionate fans gather online and in person to share stories about their favourite K-pop stars, often referred…
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